
Here you will find from time to time information about new presentations, publications and interesting projects with Dr Hans-Jörg Keller.

virtual coaching

III Virtual Training Sessions and Coaching
Since the beginning of the Corona crisis, many of my clients have expressed the desire to run training programs and coaching sessions virtually. That's why I have already conducted numerous workshops and coaching sessions in digital format over the last few weeks. I can either use the video conferencing formats that are already in use in your company or I can offer you the implementation on Zoom. The virtual platforms I have worked on are MS Teams, Adobe Connect, Google Hangouts, Zoom and Webex.
If you are also interested in virtual trainings or coaching, I look forward to an email at

III Know yourself

know yourself

Gnothi seauton - know yourself. Become who you are. This sentence was already written on a column of the temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece, in the 5th century B.C. At the same time, the Chinese philosopher Lao Tse thought about this challenge. "To know others is wise. To know oneself is enlightenment."
Who am I? What makes me unique? How do I find fulfilment in my life? These questions have lost none of their importance to this day. In my trainings and coaching I go on a journey of discovery with you to find answers to this question from different perspectives. Just like looking at an onion, we analyze different layers of your personality: your motivators and drivers, your values, your behavioral preferences and your effect on other people.

onion model personality

And these are the scientifically based instruments of our analysis, which I have specialized in certification programs, supervision and many years of practice.

  • Reiss-Profile of 16 basic desires
  • 9 Levels of Value Systems
  • Insights Discovery
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • 360°-Feedback

We start with the motivators, which are very constant in our personality over the course of our lives. The guiding question is: Why do certain things motivate me very strongly and others little or not at all? We analyze this with the ‚Reiss Profile of the 16 Motives of Life‘, developed by the American psychologist Steven Reiss.

We then turn our attention to our values, which often change significantly in different phases of life. What was "worth a lot" to us when we were 20 years old doesn't have to be worth a lot when we are 50. The key question is here: What do I live and work for? Which values do I orientate myself by, and how are they in harmony or conflict with my private and professional environment? Here we use another psychological tool for the analysis of values, the '9 Levels of Value Systems'. This instrument, developed by Rainer Krumm and based on the models of the psychologist Clare Graves, makes the value systems of individuals, teams and organizations visible, comparable and thus usable for change processes.

The third dimension of the exploration of the ego is the level of behavioral preferences. Here I work with two analysis tools. Insights Discovery and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are based on the typology theory of the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung to explain individual preferences. Both are interesting instruments with which we learn to better understand our own personality with its strengths and weaknesses. The newly gained insights about ourselves and the people in our lives help us to develop our own social skills in dealing with different characters, to adapt more effectively to others and thus to build better personal and business relationships.

The fourth, very exciting dimension is that of impact. How is my behavior perceived by other people? Where do others see my strengths and weaknesses? What becomes positive, what is seen more critically? Answers to these questions are provided by 360° feedback. You select people from different positions and levels of your organization - supervisors, divisional managers, employees, colleagues, internal and external customers - and ask them for anonymous feedback. We will then analyze the overall result and the results of individual feedback groups together and compare them with your self-assessment.
Know yourself - I look forward to accompanying and supporting you on this journey.

III Kaplan Performance Academy:
A new virtual global learning platform

kaplan performance academy coach

This year I started working with the newly founded Kaplan Performance Academy as a coach. It offers customers the opportunity to 'Learn. Develop. Perform.' Diagnosis of strengths and weaknesses, tailor-made trainings derived from this and individual coaching to support the application of what has been learned in everyday life. The global format of the offer is interesting: From a list of 120 coaches from all over the world, specialists and managers can choose the one who best suits them professionally, culturally and personally. In total, virtual coaching sessions are offered in 20 languages.

Here you will find detailed information

III Film: „Networked Leadership“ by

Networked Leadership

My cooperation partners Susanne Lakoni and Michael Thiel from have produced an excellent film entitled "Networked Leadership". In five steps they show what is important:

  • Benefits of networked management
  • Challenges
  • Design areas and navigation of cooperation
  • Leadership understanding in cooperation and cooperation skills
  • From the vision of cooperation to a networked organization

The film sets impulses, answers fundamental questions, passes on experiences and offers initial orientation. In essence, it is about professionally managed cooperation across disciplines, areas of responsibility, locations and across organizational boundaries. "Networked Leadership" encourages the consistent development of competencies in cooperation, networking with like-minded people and thus creating sustainable cooperation, alliances and communities.

You can find more information and a trailer on the website Please also order the film there.

Médicines sans Frontières

III Make the world a better place

Leadership matters. We support managers and their teams to contribute to the economic success of their organizations – the guarantee for our wealth, social peace, stable political conditions and long-term planning of our future.

However, leadership has an ethical dimension too. Our own prosperity is an obligation to assist the poorest people on our planet who suffer from war, poverty, flight, displacement or natural disaster. If we take the ideal of a peaceful and fair-minded world seriously, we should do everything to render possible to them living a decent life.

Our humble contributions to make the world a better place are donations for the organization ‘Médicines sans Frontières’ that provides humanitarian assistance in wars, during epidemics and after natural disasters. Many teams are thereby risking their own life in dangerous countries such as Syria, Yemen or Afghanistan.


German Red Cross

We support the ongoing work of the 'German Red Cross' and the 'Malteser', which provide valuable help in the poorest countries of the world in caring for refugees, securing food, water and health and dealing with the consequences of climate change.

One project is particularly close to our heart. Through donations and adoptions of children we support the 'Missão Católica de Expressão Portoguesa de Colônia', which helps starving children from the poorest families in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The construction of a large kitchen last year, for example, is an important contribution to ensuring that many children receive a meal at least once a day. Through this and similar projects we would like to give people in one of the poorest countries in the world a little hope for a better future.

You too can help!
There are many ways to help the poorest people in this world. You too can support the work of humanitarian aid organizations for a better and fairer world.

More information is available by email at